Sour Pineapple Rings


Nothing says summer holiday more than a pinapple ring. Garnish your drink, decorate your cake or eat by the handful. These have a great pineapple flavour with a sour hit.

Ingredients: Sugar, glucose syrup, invert sugar syrup, gelling agent, gelatine, pectin, corn starch, potato starch, modified potato starch, modified tapioca starch, maltodextrin, dextrose, cirtic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, acetic axcid, hydrolysed rice protein, potato protein,humectant, glyucerol, sorbitals,apple juice concentrate, acidity regulator, sodium citrates, sodim malates.. vege oil (palm, coconut, rapeseed), glazing agent, carauba wax, beeswax, concentrate vegetable (lemon, safflower, carrot, blackcurrent, radish, pumpkin, apple, tomato, sweet potato, cherry, spirilina, hibiscus), olive oil, flavourings, colours E)

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